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We All Love Demos

Did you see one of our demos at a conference and want to try this yourself?

We get it, there's a lot of hype and these features are hard to believe.  Let's make it easy, choose either option below to see what Cyrano says about you (or someone you know).

Haven't seen a demo yet?  Click here to watch one on YouTube
Cyrano at a Conference

See for yourself why 86% of users call it "highly useful and highly accurate."

Want to get a quick read on a person in your life?  Copy and paste a message from your boss, spouse, coworker, customer, etc into our "First Impressions" field to get a small taste of what Cyrano can do for you.

If you like this, you'll love what the complete system can do for you.

Try 14 days of Navigate, or use First Impressions for Free — Forever.

Get started using Cyrano Navigate to analyze everybody in your inbox for the next two weeks, Or copy/paste text into Cyrano for as long as you'd like, using one of our most popular features: First Impressions.

Both choices require a one-time sign in via your email provider

Conversational AI Platform

Integrate the patented Conversational Intelligence AI platform into your own product or internal systems.

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