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Profiles are one thing. Strategy is what counts.

Cyrano's detailed profiles are part of the picture. Then, Cyrano tells you how to influence them.

Bill Gates

Founder, Microsoft

Data & Community

Bottom Line

  • Ability: help people imagine the future.

  • Values:  organizing things logically whenever possible.

  • Communication Style: Visual.


  • Make sure your work together is accurate.

  • They like to make bullet point lists, or write out the pros and cons, etc.

  • Most likely they communicate well one-on-one and in small groups.


  • You can change their mind by proving your way is more efficient.

  • You don't need to pander to Bill, but don't challenge their accuracy.

  • Present options in practical terms.

Resolve Conflicts

  • Make sure you leave things better than you found them.

  • During conflict be ready for Bill to focus on the small details, which may not be the most important or effective part of the solution.

  • Present solutions which also fix the systemic problem.

Satya Nadella

CEO, Microsoft

Instinct & Community

Bottom Line

  • Ability: get energized by doing something new.

  • Values: standing out, innovation, and being different.

  • Communication Style: Kinesthetic.


  • They sort through options while talking and listening. They are most likely to know which option will work best as a result of having talked it through.

  • They may not understand that others can find it difficult to express their feelings verbally.

  • People like them create clarity and make decisions during conversations.


  • Add time before and after negotiations to focus on building excitement and momentum.
  • They'll make concessions in a negotiation to maintain enthusiasm and momentum.
  • Present terms as creative opportunities and possibilities.

Resolve Conflicts

  • Present solutions which make it easy to put this problem in the rearview mirror.
  • They typically want to clear the air and move on quickly.
  • Don't make the problem bigger than the solution.

Get Started with Cyrano Navigate for Free Today

Cyrano Navigate helps salespeople navigate important relationships and conversations with customers and prospects.

Navigate will profile everyone in your inbox and Zoom calls, or you can analyze people's public social posts for free use Navigate's free First Impressions feature.

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