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Why Did Cyrano Analyze the Tweets of Podcast Hosts?

With a few tweets, Cyrano profiled the hosts of the top 250 podcast. The analysis tells us how to communicate with each of them more effectively -- and how to influence them.

bg is Your Influential Superpower

No matter what a person is talking about, they are telling you about themselves.

Cyrano analyzed these individuals' public statements on Twitter.  Cyrano shows how people prioritize information and make important decisions.

A person’s strengths will usually determine what filters they use to make decisions, and over time patterns emerge. When people Tweet, they share their stream of consciousness across a wide variety of topics, resulting in a more well-rounded dataset.

Important:  Data privacy and ethical applications of our technology are incredibly important to us.  Please take a look at our Easy To Understand Privacy Policy and our Mission Statement if you’d like to know more about us.

Profiles are one thing. Strategy is what counts.

Cyrano’s natural language generation system provides 50,000 different insights and pieces of advice that help you create the most influential pitch, presentation, or question.

Click on any name below to see Cyrano's AI-generated advice to see how to influence these people, or click here to see the other categories of VIPs we've analyzed

Making Sense of it

Cyrano analyzes words and phrases in dozens of proprietary categories. For this specific graph, we measure the top 4 decision-making priorities:

  1. Instinct: likelihood to trust their gut
  2. Community: desire to build strong relationships and support others
  3. Data: facts, figures, and details matter most
  4. Order: following rules and process

We all use all 4 of these decision-making filters in different orders based on the scenario and our personal strengths and values.  While no personality is set in stone, patterns emerge about a person over time.

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Cyrano analyzes words to understand who people are.

What we say and how we say it tells those around us about who we are. is a patented artificial intelligence system designed to understand a person based on how they talk.  Other systems care about sentiment analysis, which is simply determining if a person likes or dislikes something., on the other hand, recognizes how a person approaches situations, learns, and what they need in order to make important decisions. This means that can infer a person's commitment level and motivations before a conversation instead of after it.

What’s more, has been proven to predict purchasing behavior with over 95% precision in B2C, and up to 91% in B2B scenarios.

After analyzing almost 200,000 hours of Zoom conversations and many millions of pages of text, Our pre-trained language models can determine how to ethically influence a person.

Get Started with Cyrano Navigate for Free Today

Cyrano Navigate helps salespeople navigate important relationships and conversations with customers and prospects.

Navigate will profile everyone in your inbox and Zoom calls, or you can analyze people's public social posts for free use Navigate's free First Impressions feature.

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